Jaclyn Wilks '20

Jaclyn Wilks

Class Year


Current home

Kenosha, Wisconsin


Criminal Justice and Political Science

Current Position

Associate Manager for Human Resources at SC Johnson

As an associate manager of human resources at SC Johnson, Jaclyn Wilks ’20 works with the company’s global supply chain team, helping the team strategize and achieve their goals. She also helps employees with day-to-day requests, develops policies, supports the hiring process, and manages yearly talent processes.

Ms. Wilks, a criminal justice and political science graduate, continues to stay involved with the College as the chapter advisor for Alpha Chi Omega and participates in events hosted by Carthage’s Aspire Center. She describes Carthage as her home away from home and expresses the impactful role it has played in her development. “Any chance to go back or get involved is a no brainer for me,” says Ms. Wilks.

“Every day I am faced with new questions and challenges, which have provided me an opportunity to continually grow within my field.”

Jaclyn Wilks, 2020

What have you enjoyed most about your career?

“I enjoy the people I support and the continuous learning environment! Every day, I am faced with new questions and challenges, which provide me an opportunity to continually grow within my field.”

How did Carthage prepare you?

“My leadership roles on campus; whether it was in extra curricular clubs, my sorority, or my on-campus job. Through these experiences, I was able to learn how to problem solve quickly, support those around me, and find a solution that was best for everyone involved.”

How has your liberal arts education benefited you?

“Every day, I have to be sure I am communicating concisely and clearly to ensure all questions are answered properly and in accordance with company policy. I am also faced with difficult conversations with employees, in which it is necessary for me to be empathetic but also problem solve. I learned these skills through my years at Carthage, leading the student ambassador organization, and serving as vice president of risk management for my sorority.”

Why did you choose Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because when I toured, it immediately felt like home to me. Every person I met — whether it was the tour guide, students, admissions staff, or professors — showed a genuine interest in helping me succeed even before I moved into my dorm freshman year.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your Carthage experience?

“I had the opportunity to travel internationally for the first time to Tanzania for a J-Term trip. To this day, the experiences I had there and the people I met stick with me. I learned so much about the culture and ways of life.”

What Carthage professors played a part in your success and how?

“Faculty helped me succeed because of their open door policy. I always felt respected by my professors, which helped me feel comfortable asking for help.”

What role have the values in Carthage's mission, "Seeking Truth, Building Strength, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?

“These values are reflected in me daily when I interact with my family, friends, and colleagues. I want to ensure that when people meet me, their impression of me is that I am trustworthy, reliable, and empathetic — three words that I believe play into the mission of Carthage.”

What's your favorite Carthage memory?

“Time spent with my sorority sisters, meeting so many people from different walks of life, Sunday brunch in The Caf with my friends, and move-in day after being apart from friends all summer. Carthage shaped me through the people I met. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, so coming to college was the first time I met so many new people. Those people taught me, pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and supported me through every step!”

Tips for current Carthage students?

“Soak it all in — as someone who’s senior year got cut short during a global pandemic, I advise you to enjoy every single minute! Don’t be afraid to try new things or meet new people; I promise it will be worth it!”

Are you a Carthage graduate who is excelling in your field?